St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church of Nashville
The Coptic Orthodox faith is a Christian denomination that originated in Egypt and is one of the oldest Christian traditions in the world. The Coptic Orthodox Church’s enduring hallmark lies in its steadfast preservation of the faith for over 2000 years. For example, through the years, the Coptic Orthodox Church has preserved its unique liturgy, spiritual practices, and theological teachings, which are deeply rooted in the early Christian traditions. The Church’s emphasis on maintaining ancient rituals, prayers, and hymns has contributed to the continuity of its faith and identity.
Our patron is Saint Mary the Theotokos, the Mother of God. She is regarded as the highest saint in the Orthodox Church because she was chosen by God the Father to bear His Only-Begotten Son. She gave birth to the Savior of the world, and she was the first person to receive Christ as her Savior. We are always learning from her great obedience, humility, and purity. May you always intercede on our behalf, O Lady of us all the Mother of God, Saint Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.